Keep Looking Up Boy


Jack Foley Horkheimer, Executive Director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium at the Miami Science Museum for over 35 years is an internationally recognized pioneer in popularizing naked-eye astronomy.

He is best known as the creator/writer/host of public television’s “Star Hustler/Star Gazer”, the 30 year long running weekly TV series on naked eye astronomy. In his passion to bring astronomy to the public he has led several solar eclipse expeditions and co-organized the first supersonic Halley’s Comet Chase aboard 4 Concordes.

Recognized by his TV sign-off “Keep Looking Up”, Horkheimer revealed that although he intends to be stargazing well into the third millennium, nevertheless he has already erected his own tombstone with the following epitaph: “Keep Looking Up was my life’s admonition, I can do little else in my present position.”